Thursday, June 15, 2023

Fairy Hair Sparkles with Sera Faery in Portland, happy summer! ☀️🌈✨

 Appointments open for the rest of June and most of July, here is the appt link:

More coming July 1st, when I'll open the rest of July and into August.

Please note the new rate. This is my first effective price increase - the switch to the hourly rate this year was still basically the same sparkles for the same price as before. This is a little more per session, my first effective rate change since 2018. You can absolutely share appointments with friends, if that helps! 

To provide better service, I'm booking further out, so these should not fill up so fast and it won't be so hard to find openings. If it's toward the end of the month and no dates are available, check back for cancellations, or again at the start of the next month. Appts added around the 1st and 15th of each month. If you'd like email reminders, email me at and ask to be put on the list! This list is only for appt reminders 2x per month, and you can ask to be removed at any time. It's always okay to email or message me if you have questions, or to inquire about private events, but I might not always be able to respond, I'll do my best but get overwhelmed easily - it's always okay to try again. :) 

If this entirely prices you out and you want to still see me, please let me know, I can offer discounts for fixed incomes or other circumstances. I want faery hair to be accessible to everyone, but I also want it to sustain me enough to continue to do this work. I love what I do and want to keep doing it forever! Thank you so much for your support and for sparkling with me, I never dreamed I could be a faery for work, it's such a blessing and you bring me so much joy. ✨🧚✨