Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Faery Hair Sparkles, blessed Imbolc, happy Lunar New Year 🌑🐅✨❄🕯💖

The faeries have explained carefully that the first half of February is for them. I have very tricky taxes to complete, and the faeries are demanding my attention in quiet, creative ways. I hope to be finished with taxes, and perhaps with a sparkly new website, by February 15th, and will post here when faery hair sparkle appointments for Feb 15th-28th are ready to be released. 💖

Thank you so much for your patience as I take this much needed time to attend to the back-end of my small business, and to give the faeries the attention they deserve. ❄🕯

Blessed Imbolc, happy Lunar New Year, and may the new moon energy spark inspiration and alignment for the coming month. 🌑🐅✨