Thursday, June 22, 2017

Summer Sparkles in Portland

Happy Solstice! Sparkling has been in high demand since the sun came out! Updates follow!

We have a helper at the Fernie Brae for Faery Hair Fridays! Our friend Alley is our Faery Hair Support Sparkler! So there should be less of a wait for everyone <3 Every Friday 11am-7pm through the summer! 4035 SE Hawthorne Blvd <3

For a private appointment or event, please call, text or email Sera anytime: 503-720-5486 or <3

June Events
Thursday, June 22nd: 12-3pm, available for sparklings at Bison Coffeehouse, 3941 NE Cully Blvd, call/text 503-720-5486 or drop in (can stay later if needed!)

Friday, June 23rd: 11am-7pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!

Saturday, June 24th: 10:30-11:30am, Faery Hair Sparkle April's party (private event)

Saturday, June 24th: 2-6pm, Faery Hair Sparkles for Presley's birthday (private event)

Saturday, June 24th: 7-9pm, Faery Hair Sparkles for party (private event)

Tuesday, June 27th: 12:30pm, Faery Hair at Ristretto Roasters, 555 NE Couch St (private appt)

Friday, June 30th: 11am-7pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!

July Events
Saturday, July 1st: Available! Contact Sera, 503-720-5486 or

Tuesday, July 4th: 3:30-4:30pm, Faery Hair party in Sellwood (private event)

Wednesday, July 5th: 2pm Faery Hair at Sherwood Ice Arena (private event)

Wednesday, July 5th: 4-4:30pm Faery Hair at Cellar Door cafe (3:30 and 4:30pm available, txt 503-720-5486 for a slot)

Thursday, July 6th: 12-5pm, Faery Hair First Thursday at Kyra's Bakeshop, 599 A Ave Lake Oswego, drop in!

Friday, July 7th: 11am-7pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!

Saturday, July 8th: 8-9pm, Faery Hair for Rose City Wreckers party (private event)

Wednesday, July 12th: 5-8pm, 2nd Wednesday Sparkle Party Happy Hour at Belmont Station, 4500 SE Stark St, kids welcome unil 7pm, drop in!

Friday, July 14th: 11am-7pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!

Saturday-Sunday July 15th-16th, out of town

Friday, July 21st: 11am-7pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!

Saturday, July 22nd: available! Contact Sera, 503-720-5486 or

Friday, July 28th: 11am-7pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!

Saturday, July 29th: available! Contact Sera, 503-720-5486 or