Faery Hair appts open for early June, here is the appt link:
Next openings June 16th for the rest of June. 🌈
You can share appointments with friends! 🎉
It's welcome email me to ask if I have openings not showing online, occasionally I have wiggle room, I've been doing cafe sparkles here and there on weekends since the Overlook House where my studio is often booked for events. I can't always reply, but I'll do my best! 🧚♀️
For email reminders when appointments open, just send a note to serafaery@yahoo.com asking to be put on the list. I manage this manually, so to be removed, just email a message asking to be removed whenever you like. I only use this list for faery hair appointment reminders. 🪄
I have a foot injury, so can only 3 hrs a day until I get the okay from my doctor to use my foot more. Thanks for your patience and for supporting me as I limp through this part of my sparkly journey. Happy sparkling! ✨