Thursday, December 29, 2022

Fairy Hair Sparkles for 2023 - Happy New Year! 🎉✨🎆

 January Faery Hair Sparkles appts available to book using this link:

Appointments open as close to the 1st  and 15th of each month as possible, for 2 weeks at a time. They fill quickly, so if you're not successful, try booking closer to the opening dates if you can - if you would like email reminders, send me a note to be added to the reminder list at (you can ask to be removed any time). Also feel free to email me with any other questions, I often get overwhelmed but will help as best I can, keep trying, it's helpful as I often lose track of who asked what where :) 

Please notice the new hourly rate - I have been over-sparkling for each appointment excessively, and have realized that my time is the best indicator of my service, rather than dismissing how many "freebies" I'm gifting, which can sometimes be as much as double, as I often get carried away by my own glee over the prettiness of them! ✨✨✨

This new rate is my second rate change ever, and the first in five years. It will help so much with catching up in terms of all the costs that have gone up, and for continuing to support the cozy, beautiful space I am so fortunate to be able to rent at the heavenly Overlook House.

My foot is healing nicely but I might be a little slow on the stairs this month, thanks so much for your patience as we step gently into this new year together. Let's hope it's a sparkly one!  ðŸŽ‰✨🎆