Monday, September 5, 2022

Belated September faery hair sparkles with Sera at the Overlook Studio ✨🍂🧚🌙

There are finally a few appts available for the first half of September:

Edit: Appts all full, thank you so much! More will open Sept 15 🌟

Appointments open the 1st and 15th of each month (or thereabouts), for 2 weeks at a time. They fill in about 24 hours, so if you're not successful, try booking closer to the 1st or 15th if you can - if you would like email reminders, send me a note at (you can ask to be removed any time). Also email me with any other questions, I will help as best I can! 🧚

So sorry about the wait this month! With my cat's emergency surgery and a few other difficulties, I wasn't able to do scheduling last week at all. I will do my best to make up for it! I am booked for events next week so appts are limited and will fill quickly. I will release more on Sept 15th for the rest of September.  ⭐

Hope you are enjoying the sunny late fall days, thanks so much for your sparkly energy, it uplifts me through these painful moments. Lunar and I are so grateful for your support. 🌙