Hi sparkly ones, so sorry for the delay on appts this month. I am in the midst of preparing my mother's Memorial ceremony and it is a very heavy emotional burden for me to bear. I am a bit overwhelmed.
Only two days open this round, June 9th and 10th. The following week is Faerieworlds, I will be in Eugene over that weekend, and back to sparkling after June 20th. Those appts will open June 15th or so.
Appointments open the 1st and 15th of each month or as close to then as I can. They tend to fill in a day or so, since there are only a few available. If you'd like to get an email alert for these openings, send a request to serafaery@yahoo.com - I post on this website first, then facebook, then the email list. (Last month by the time I drafted the email, all appointments were already taken, so no email was sent.)
Late June will have more offerings. I hope to offer some Saturday sessions at Bison Coffeehouse outdoors on their patio in the Cully neighborhood in NE Portland, and will post more details about that on or near June 15th.
At the moment I am swamped with texts, emails, and facebook messages about appointments. I appreciate the interest so much! However, with what I'm going through with my mom's memorial, I cannot answer several private messages at this time. I don't have the time or the energy to handle all of them. I apologize for that. I appreciate your understanding as I struggle through this difficult time.
Thank you for your patience and support, it means so much to me. I am working so hard to keep sparkling, even through such difficult times. Stay sparkly!