Holidays here we come! Events abound, read on! This week we sparkle SATURDAY (in lieu of Faery Hair Friday), Nov 25th 11am-6pm for Small Business Saturday at the Fernie Brae, 4035 SE Hawthorne. Friday they are closed!
Spent all day today catching up on missed messages. I often miss messages, but never intentionally! If I fail to respond do please try again, I am eager to sparkle but not the best at keeping track of inquiries. Thank you thank you so much for your help with this, it is so appreciated. I am so grateful for patience and understanding with my scatterbrain - I want to sparkle everyone!
Lots of availability for December!
November Events
Tuesday/Wednesday, November 21st and 22nd: 2-5pm, available at Bison Coffeehouse, 3941 NE Cully Blvd. please text/email to make an appointment: 503-720-5486 or (please park on the West side of the street, same side as the cafe, if you come here, so you don't have to cross the busy road!)
Thursday, November 23rd: Happy Gratitude Day!
Friday, November 24th: Fernie Brae is CLOSED. National Parks are free to attend!
Saturday, November 25th: 11am-6pm, Faery Hair for Small Business Saturday at the Fernie Brae, 4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!
Sunday/Monday: No sparkles (day off/office work)
Tuesday, November 28th: 11am-1pm, Faery Hair at Oregon College of Oriental Medicine Holiday Bazaar, 75 NW Couch st, downtown Old Town, Portland. Free event, open to the public!
Wednesday, November 29th: 11am-1pm, Faery Hair at the Gemini Grill, 456 N State St, Lake Oswego. 21+, drop in or text/call Sera to reserve a slot: 503-720-5486 Rare west side event!
December Events
Friday, December 1st: 11am-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae, 4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!
Saturday, December 2nd: 1pm-6pm, Faery Hair for Holiday Sip & Shop on Hawthorne, festive events and 5:30pm tree lighting at the Fernie Brae, 4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in or schedule a slot with Sera if you wish: 503-720-5486 or <3
Sunday/Monday: No sparkles (day off/office work)
Wednesday, Dec 6th: 4-5pm Faery Hair at Bison Coffeehouse, 3941 NE Cully Blvd. please text/email to make an appointment: 503-720-5486 or (please park on the West side of the street, same side as the cafe, so you don't have to cross the busy road)
Currently booked: 1:30pm, 2:15pm, 3:30pm
Friday, December 8th: 11am-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae, 4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!
Sunday/Monday: No sparkles (day off/office work)
Wednesday, December 13th: 5-8pm, Faery Hair Sparkle Party Happy Hour at Belmont Station, 4500 SE Stark St, drop-in, kids welcome until 7pm, downstairs covered patio area
Thursday, December 14th: 2-5pm Faery Hair Sparkles for baby shower (private event)
Friday, December 15th: 11am-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae, 4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!
Saturday, December 16th-Sunday, December 17th: 10am-5pm, Faery Hair for Geek the Halls! Doubletree Hotel, 1000 NE Multnomah Blvd, free event open to the public!
Monday: No sparkles (day off/office work)
Tuesday, Dec 19:
Wednesday, Dec 20th: 1-5pm, Faery Hair Sparkles at Bison Coffeehouse, 3941 NE Cully Blvd. please text/email to make an appointment: 503-720-5486 or (please park on the West side of the street, same side as the cafe, so you don't have to cross the busy road)
Thursday, December 21st: Blessed Yule! Happy Winter Solstice <3
Friday, December 22nd: 11am-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae, 4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!
Sunday/Monday: No sparkles (happy holidays!)
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday, Dec 26-28: available! please text/call/email to make an appointment or schedule an event: 503-720-5486 or (afternoons are best!)
Friday, December 29th: 11am-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae, 4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!
Sunday/Monday: No sparkles (happy holidays!)
Fairy Hair Sparkles service in Portland, Oregon with Sera Faery (aka Sarah Jurgensen). 14 years experience. Sera has taught many people, and is the Original Hair Sparkle Fairy in Portland, mentored by the faeries. Hair sparkles by appointment, online store, free youtube video tutorials to learn to sparkle hair, and more!