Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Snow Sparkles Postponed! Dec 2016

Oh noes, too much snows! 2nd Wednesday Faery Hair Sparkle Party Happy Hour at Belmont Station will be postponed until next week!

I will post here as soon as I have an idea about Thursday 12-3pm at the Maple Parlor.

December Events  
*Wednesday, December 14th: Postponed to Wednesday December 21st! (4-8pm, 2nd Wednesday Sparkle Party Happy Hour at Belmont Station4500 SE Stark St, Portland, drop in! Kids welcome until 7pm)

* Thursday, December 15th: Cancelled! Will post when rescheduled. (12-3pm, 3rd Thursday Faery Hair at the Maple Parlor, 3538 SE Hawthorne, Portland, new monthly event!)

Thursday, December 15th: 3:30-5:30pm, Faery Hair for OCOM holiday party at Rock Bottom Brewery, 206 SW Morrison st, Portland

(Thursday, December 15th: 7-10pm, Rogue One pre-screening at Lloyd Regal Cinemas)

Friday, December 16th: 11am-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in! (Free art release party afterward, 6-8pm!)

Saturday, December 17th: 10am-5pm, Faery Hair for Geek the Halls craft fair, 1000 NE Multnomah St, Portland, free event!

(Saturday, Dec 17th: 9pm-1am, Nectar Fusion dance at Somaspace)

Sunday, December 18th: 6-8:30pm, Faery Hair for Gypsy Heart Winter Solstice celebration, Tango Berretin6305 SE Foster, Portland, $5 entry.

Monday December 19th: 3-5pm, Faery Hair for Christine and friends in Olympic Mills office (private event)

*Wednesday December 21st: 4-8pm, Sparkle Party Happy Hour at Belmont Station4500 SE Stark St, Portland, drop in! Kids welcome until 7pm

Friday, December 23rd: 11am-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland

Friday, December 30th: 11am-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!

Saturday, December 31st: Faery appearance/performance by Serafaery and Pixie at Vancouver's New Year's Eve at the Hilton Masquerade in the Round!

Stay safe and warm!