Friday, March 11, 2016

St Patrick's Faery Hair Sparkles

Top o' the marnin' to ye!  Updates ahoy! Faery Hair Friday is today and every Friday, 1-6pm at the Fernie Brae, 41st and SE Hawthorne, in Portland. <3

Lots of Personal Sparklings lately! Please feel free to text or email me anytime if you'd like to schedule a sparkling, for yourself or with friends <3 503-720-5486 or

March Events
Friday, March 11th: 1pm-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae41st and SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!

Thursday, March 17th: 12-3pm, Faery Hair for St Patrick's Day at Kyra's Bake Shop, 599 A Ave, Lake Oswego, drop in for sparkles and tasty gluten free treats!

Friday, March 18th: 1pm-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae41st and SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!

Friday, March 18th: 7-10pm, Faery Hair for Offbeat Belly Dance, Analog Cafe, 720 SE Hawthore, drop in!

Sunday, March 20th: Blessed Ostara! 

Friday, March 25th: 1pm-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae41st and SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!

Saturday, March 26th: Afternoon Anniversary craft fair and celebration at Sound Grounds Cafe, check back for details!

April Events
Friday, April 1st: 1-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae41st and SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!

Friday, April 8th: 1-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae41st and SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!

Wednesday, April 13th: 4-8pm, 2nd Wednesday Happy Hour Faery Hair Sparkles at Belmont Station, 4500 SE Stark St, all ages until 7pm, drop in!

Friday, April 15th: 1-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae41st and SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!

Friday, April 15th: 7-10pm, Faery Hair for Offbeat Belly Dance, Analog Cafe, 720 SE Hawthore, drop in!

Friday, April 22nd: 1-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae41st and SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!

Friday, April 29th: 1-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae41st and SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!