Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Fairy Hair Sparkles with Serafaery in Portland, May 2024 appointments 🌷✨πŸ§šπŸŒΌπŸ‡

 Faery Hair appts open for the first half of May, here is the appt link:


Next openings May 15th, for the rest of May πŸŒ·

If no openings show, check back for cancellations, or again at the start of the next opening. Appts open as close to the 1st and 15th of each month as possible, for 2 weeks at a time. 

You can share appointments with friends! πŸŽ‰

It's welcome email me to ask if I have openings not showing online, occasionally I have wiggle room for additional or manually scheduled appointments. I can't always reply but I'll do my best!

Thanks as always with your patience with short notice and not being able to book out as far as we'd like - as we move into warmer months, the delightful Overlook House where I sparkle will be booked for events more often, so my schedule needs to adjust accordingly - hopefully I can add more pop-ups in other places this summer, and hopefully some teaching workshops! For now, all appointments are at the Overlook House, 3839 M Melrose Drive, in Portland πŸ‘

So looking forward to sparkling this month, thank you for supporting me in my work, it means the world to me to be able to provide such a fun and uplifting, magical and unique service for anyone who wants it. Happy sparkling! ✨

(Gorgeous mermaid hair on the lovely Pamela πŸ§œ‍♀️)