Friday, July 1, 2022

July Fairy Hair sparkles with Serafaery in Portland 2022 ✨🌞🦋🌻🧚

Edit: There was a glitch that wasn't allowing some appts to book - I think it's fixed now! Still times available using the booking link below ✨

First half of July sparkles available, lots of slots this time! 🦋

Appointments open the 1st and 15th of each month or as close to then as I can. They can fill fast. (Sometimes there are openings last minute from cancellations.) If you'd like an email alert, send a request to - I post on this website first, then facebook, then the email list, 2x per month, ask anytime to be removed. 💖

I will get back to everyone as soon as I can about Saturday July 16th and beyond at Bison Coffeehouse on NE Cully blvd between 1-3pm, I am enjoying the way this is working Saturdays so far but it's a bit different and there is much more demand than I have time to fulfill, so I appreciate your patience with my slow responses, I'm trying my best to reach everybody. Feel free to reach out (again if needed) to arrange these privately via email: ✨🌞☕

Thank you so much! Hope you are enjoying the summer sunshine, and taking time to stop and notice the small magical moments, in the midst of everything else. 🧚