Hi sparkly ones! Here is the booking link for the next few appts for Faery Hair sparkles at the Overlook House: 🏡
Our doorbell works again, yay! 🚪🔔
Please let me know if none of the times or days work for you, email is best at serafaery@yahoo.com - occasionally I can free up some time on the weekends or later evenings, if weekdays aren't workable for you. 🌻
(If I fail to reply after a couple of days please feel welcome to re-try if you are so inclined, it's so easy for me to lose track of messages, I don't mean to ignore anyone, I'm just a bit disorganized. Do you think I should try to use a physical planner? My digital calendar doesn't work very well for me. Just a thought - how do you keep track of your busy lives? Eager faeries wish to know your secrets! 💖
Thanks so much, hope you're enjoying this lovely fall weather! 🍂🎃🍄