Thursday, February 23, 2017

Birds, new growth, new beginnings

We raised nearly $50 for the Audubon Society of Portland last Faery Hair Friday - thanks to everyone who came and got Faery Hair!

Faery Hair Friday happens every Friday at the Fernie Brae, 11am-6pm, 4035 SE Hawthorne. There is often a wait - earlier is best! After 6pm you're welcome to join Sera at the nearby all-vegan Next Level Burger for dinner and sparkling into the night. <3

Private afternoon appointments are available most Tuesdays and Thursdays in NE Portland; feel free to text or email Sera anytime to set up your Personal Sparkling: 503-720-5486 or <3 Reminder: We do take cards! <3

February Events
Friday, February 24th: 11am-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!

Tuesday, February 28th: 2pm-4pm, available for Personal Sparklings at Ristretto Roasters, 555 NE Couch st, call, text, or email to schedule yours: 503-720-5486,

March Events
*New day and time! Thursday, March 1st: 1st Thursdays Faery Hair at Kyra's Bakeshop, 12-5pm, 599 A Ave, Lake Oswego, drop in, ask to get on the list!

Friday, March 3rd: 11am-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!

Saturday, March 4th: 11am-4pm, Faery Hair for New Age Healing Fair7001 NE Hwy 99, Vancouver, WA

Sunday, March 5th: 1pm birthday party (private event)

Tuesday, March 7th: 2pm-4pm, available for Personal Sparklings at Ristretto Roasters, 555 NE Couch st, call, text, or email to schedule yours: 503-720-5486,

Wednesday, March 8th, 2nd Wednesdays Happy Hour Sparkle Party at 
Belmont Station, 5-8pm, 4500 SE Stark St, Portland. Drop in! Kids welcome until 7pm

Friday, March 10th: 11am-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!

Tuesday, March 14th: 2pm-4pm, available for Personal Sparklings at Ristretto Roasters, 555 NE Couch st, call, text, or email to schedule yours: 503-720-5486,

***Faery Hair Friday moving to Thursday this week! In Seattle Friday for MythicWorlds!

***Thursday, March 16th: 1-6pm, Faery Hair at the Fernie Brae4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in! No Faery Hair Friday this week!

Friday, March 17th-Sunday, March 19th: Faery Hair Sparkles at MythicWorlds! Seatac Doubletree Hilton Hotel, Sera and Pixie will be sparkling all 3 days! Free Friday/Sunday day passes available at Faery Hair Fridays at the Fernie Brae while they last <3

Monday, March 20th: 10am, Faery Hair Birthday, West Linn, Oregon for Kyeli (private event)

Friday, March 24th: 11am-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!

Saturday, March 25th: Faery Hair for Red Hat Ladies (private event, time tba)

Tuesday, March 28th: 2pm-4pm, available for Personal Sparklings at Ristretto Roasters, 555 NE Couch st, call, text, or email to schedule yours: 503-720-5486,

Friday, March 31st: 11am-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!

Ostara is less than a month away, and we will be ringing her in at MythicWorlds in Seattle, March 17-19th. Being Official Faery Hair Faeries for such a big Faery convention is a dream come true and a huge step for us! We can't be more excited, anxious, and thrilled. Sera has passes and coupons for the convention, ask her about these anytime!

Dreaming of a future cottage in the forest, a faery hideout, with quiet breezes, clean water, and magic in the trees. For now, I work on turning my little urban homestead into a dragon's lair workshop, to begin creative work that will sustain me when I eventually leave the city.