Thank you so much for your patience and support during this very difficult time. Family emergencies and moving have made it very difficult for me to keep track of messages. If I've missed yours, I'm sorry! Please do feel free to try me again, as things should be calming down. <3 <3 <3 You can reach me at 503-720-5486 or anytime. <3 <3 <3
Faery Hair Friday is on as always! 11-6pm, 4035 SE Hawthorne <3 <3 <3
July Events
Friday, July 29th: 11am-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae, 4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!
Saturday-Sunday, July 30-31st, Faery Hair for 2nd Annual Wild Woman Camp Out, Ffynnon, Oregon
August Events
Monday, August 1st: 2-5pm, Faery Hair at Prosperity Pie Shoppe in Multnomah Village, 7814 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland, drop in or call/text for appt!
Friday, August 5th: 11am-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae, 4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!
Wednesday, August 10th: 5-8pm, 2nd Wednesdays Happy Hour Sparkle Party at Belmont Station, 4500 SE Stark St, kids welcome until 7pm, drop in!
Thursday, August 11th: 6-9:30pm, Faery Hair for Jamballah Pre-Party Meet and Greet, Gilda's Italian Restaurant, 1601 SW Morrison, Portland, free for Jamballah participants, drop in!
Friday, August 12th: 11am-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae, 4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!
Saturday, August 13th: 3-8pm, Faery Hair at the Jamballah Vendor Lounge, Artist Rep Theatre, 1515 SW Morrison St, Portland, Free entry, drop in!
Sunday, August 14th: 11:30am-3pm, Faery Hair at the Jamballah Vendor Lounge, Artist Rep Theatre, 1515 SW Morrison St, Portland, Free entry, drop in!
Friday, August 19th: 11am-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae, 4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!
Friday, August 26th: 11am-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae, 4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!
Fairy Hair Sparkles service in Portland, Oregon with Sera Faery (aka Sarah Jurgensen). 14 years experience. Sera has taught many people, and is the Original Hair Sparkle Fairy in Portland, mentored by the faeries. Hair sparkles by appointment, online store, free youtube video tutorials to learn to sparkle hair, and more!