Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Samhain sparkles 🎃

Halloween is sparkle-frenzy time! November updates follow. What surreal times these are.

I apologize for being so difficult to get a hold of, I am fairly swamped and my helpers are incapacitated, this month. I want to sparkle all of you! Your best bet for guaranteed sparkling is to make a personal appointment with me on a Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday when I am not booked for another event - text or email anytime, 503-720-5486 or (email less likely to get lost).

Faery Hair Fridays are every Friday through the year, 11am-6pm at the Fernie Brae, 4035 SE Hawthorne blvd. Drop-in only, no appointments for Fridays, there is a sign-in list for when you arrive if there is a wait, first-come, first served. Fridays can get very busy, especially evenings. Thank you for your patience! <3

October Events
Wednesday, October 25th: 5-8pm, Happy Hour Sparkle Party at Belmont Station4500 SE Stark St, kids welcome until 7pm, drop in! Special pre-Halloween event ðŸŽƒ 

Thursday, October 26th: 8am-5pm, Faery Hair for Little Smiles Pediatric Dentist, 8708 SE 17th, call for info: (503) 235-0313

Friday, Oct  27th: 11am-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in! (I will be leaving slightly early for a dance event, this week.)
**Please join Sera for a lesson to learn The Thriller Dance after Faery Hair Friday! We will be at Fremont Methodist Church, 6-8pm, 2620 NE Fremont St, this is FREE -  all ages and abilities welcome. Come dance like a zombie with us!**

Saturday, Oct 28th: Thriller Dance flash mob performance, 3pm at Irving Park, NE Fremont and 7th ave

Sunday/Monday: No sparkles (day off/office work, tracking, caring for ailing parent, housework, therapy, dr appts, etc.)

Tuesday, Oct 31st: Happy Halloween! Blessed Samhain!  ðŸŽƒ 

November Events
Friday, November 3rd: 11am-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!

Saturday, November 4th: 4-9pm, Faery Hair for Fashion at Every Size event, Free Admission, 13221 SW 68th Pkwy, Ste 440, Portland, OR  (rare west side evening appearance)

Sunday/Monday: No sparkles (day off/office work, tracking, caring for ailing parent, housework, therapy, dr appts, etc.)

Wednesday, November 8th: 5-8pm, Faery Hair Sparkle Party Happy Hour at Belmont Station, 4500 SE Stark St, drop-in, kids welcome until 7pm, downstairs covered patio area 

Friday, November 10th: 11am-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!

Saturday, November 11th: available! please text/email to make an appointment or schedule an event: 503-720-5486 or

Sunday/Monday: No sparkles (day off/office work, tracking, caring for ailing parent, housework, therapy, dr appts, etc.)

Tuesday/Wednesday November 14-15th: 11am-1:30pm Faery Hair for PGE Holiday Bazaar, 1 World Trade Center in downtown Portland, 121 SW Salmon St

Thursday, November 16th: 1-6pm, Faery Hair for ReMax Office Party, 7700 NE Greenwood Dr ste 100, Vancouver, WA

Friday, November 17th: 11am-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!

Sunday, November 19th: 2-5pm Birthday Party in Ridgefield, WA (private event)

Sunday/Monday: No sparkles (day off/office work, tracking, caring for ailing parent, housework, therapy, dr appts, etc.)

Tuesday/Thursday, November 21st and 23rd: 1-8pm, available! please text/email to make an appointment or schedule an event: 503-720-5486 or

Friday, November 24th: 11am-6pm, Faery Hair Friday at the Fernie Brae4035 SE Hawthorne, Portland, drop in!

Saturday, November 25th: available! please text/email to make an appointment or schedule an event: 503-720-5486 or

Sunday/Monday: No sparkles (day off/office work, tracking/scheduling, caring for ailing parent, housework, therapy, dr appts, etc.)

Tuesday/Thursday, November 28th and 30th: 1-8pm, available, please text/email to make an appointment or schedule an event: 503-720-5486 or
