Learn to Sparkle! free videos

Fairy Hair Sparkle tutorials, tips and tricks! 

How to sparkle yourself!

Newest Faery Hair Sparkling Tutorial here (Feb 2020) How to sparkle with the true fairy hair single strand knot

Sera Faery's MORE Good Day Oregon TV appearance: Fernie Brae brings Magic to Portland, MORE Good Day Oregon
Sera Faery's Portland Today KGW TV appearance viewable here!

great on short hair too!


(Purple and lavender sparkles modeled by the lovely Panda of the Wells and Verne shop in Sellwood)

(Fuscia sparkles from a wedding party in December 2016)

(Lavender sparkles at Geek the Halls craft fair, December 2016)

More videos and images on Serafaery's Instagram

Shop online at faeryhairsparkles.com